Introduction to Seller API
The Whatnot Seller API allows Whatnot sellers to manage products in their store and receive notifications when products sell on Whatnot.
It is currently in Developer Preview, and therefore is subject to change.
Applying to Seller API
During the Developer Preview, Whatnot is working with select partners to give beta access to the API for approved use cases. To see if your use case might be a fit for our partner program, please fill out this form .
Getting Started
We can't wait to see what you build! Please check out our Authentication and Rate limit guidelines to continue getting started.
Trying out the API
We have a GraphQL Playground available for you to try out the API. You can use this to explore the API and see what data is available. You can also try this out in production by changing the URL to
Making Requests
During Developer Preview, clients should use our staging environment. This will allow access to all features of our production app without the risk of users seeing your test products.
The Seller API is accessed using GraphQL. Many languages have packages avaliable to write GraphQL queries more easily. GraphQL queries are made by sending POST HTTP requests to the endpoint:
Headers must include Authentication and "Content-Type": "application/json"
For queries, the requests will be of the form
For example, a product query can be sent like this: